Les noms vernaculaires et usages de la flore dans la bibliographie

Taxon Vernaculaire Ethnie / Pays Usage Article ou ouvrage
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. moutsinga bayaka La Flore du Mayombe d'après les récoltes de M. Georges Le Testu.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. mpewere mabira forest Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. muneunza golungo alto Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. muneunza inconnue Catalogue of the African plants, collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61. Dicotyledons, Part I.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. muzungo golungo alto Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. muzungo inconnue Catalogue of the African plants, collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61. Dicotyledons, Part I.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. nchioumbou gabon Les Végétaux Utiles de l'Afrique tropicale française. La Forêt et les Bois du Gabon.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. nehoumbou inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odahoma fanti Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odahoma twi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odahoma wassaw Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odahuma wassaw Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odani ashanti Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. odani twi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. ofrafraha tarkwa Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. onitoto jekri Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. owanghan sobo Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. pao musance golungo alto Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. pao musence inconnue Catalogue of the African plants, collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61. Dicotyledons, Part I.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. redwood commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.

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