Les noms vernaculaires et usages de la flore dans la bibliographie

Taxon Vernaculaire Ethnie / Pays Usage Article ou ouvrage
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. eya kiaka Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. galo kroumen La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. gano kroumen La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. gaw bassa The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. g'bon attié Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. go ouobé La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. gobo bété La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. habe ébrié Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. hehe abé Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. ikhimi benin Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. ikkimi benin Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. ikkimi commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. itare ikom Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. iteruku efik Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. jondo bakwiri Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. kuanguainiama badjoué Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. kuperf inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. light african greenheart commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. mbeli-gulin mendi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana Hook.f. mkeli mendi The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.

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