Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Thomas D.W. 4838 Cameroun 1 km North of Masore on Ekondotiti - Mundemba road,0 - 2 km East of road
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Thomas D.W. 6232 Cameroun Banks of the Nyong river, 2 km downstream of Akonolinga, Tom Smith's Seedcracker research site
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Thomas D.W. 7495 Cameroun Roadside forest south of Baro village
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Thomas D.W. 8203 Cameroun Semi - deciduous forest and river bank forest near Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan, 40 km south of Bela on the East bank of Sangha River.
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Webb J. 401 Cameroun Environs de Campo
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Bos J.J. 3170 Cameroun 6,5 km. S of Kribi, Grand Batanga road,edge of riverine forest, halfshade
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Breteler F.J. 2164 Cameroun Secondary forest near Dimako, between Bertoua and Doumé
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Letouzey R. 2639 Cameroun Kombitié vers Bertoua
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Letouzey R. 2648 Cameroun Forêt au Nord de Moundi. Flle IGN 1/2000 Bertoua
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Letouzey R. 9760 Cameroun 5 km au SW de Nguila, à 30 km au N de Ntui
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Nana P. 263 Cameroun Bertoua, sur la route de Deng - Deng
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Nana P. 361 Cameroun Bertoua, près du village Ndemba II
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 385 Cameroun Canon du Ntem, 13km SW de Nyabessan. Flle IGN 1/2000 Kribi - Nyabessan
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 444 Cameroun Mvini, 33 km W de Nyabessan
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 654 Cameroun Mafé, près Ndikinimeki
Tiliaceae Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Raynal J. 13440 Cameroun Nkoemvone (11 km S Ebolowa). Station du cacao, galerie de la Seing
Tiliaceae Duboscia macrocarpa Bocq. Betti J. L. 212 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Tiliaceae Duboscia macrocarpa Bocq. Bos J.J. 3085 Cameroun N Bank of Lobé river above Gr. Batanga ferry, ± 9km S of Kribi, waterside
Tiliaceae Duboscia macrocarpa Bocq. Bos J.J. 3174 Cameroun 6,5 km S of Kribi, Grand Batanga road, forest vegetation on bank of small stream
Tiliaceae Duboscia macrocarpa Bocq. Bos J.J. 3252 Cameroun E. of Bwambe Catholic Mission, 6 km S. of Kribi, anthropogenous grass savanna

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