Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Tiliaceae Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret Nana P. 24 Cameroun Doumé, dans les chantiers de Dimako
Tiliaceae Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret Nana P. 357 Cameroun Bertoua
Tiliaceae Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret Onana J.-M. 135 Cameroun Réserve forestière d'Eyumojock env. 42 km de Mamfe
Tiliaceae Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret Thomas D.W. 5553 Cameroun Forest between Kindonge and small Ekombe, Southern Bakundu forest reserve
Tiliaceae Desplatsia mildbraedii Burret Letouzey R. 4979 Cameroun Près Ngola (30 km à l'Est de Yokadouma)
Tiliaceae Desplatsia mildbraedii Burret Onana J.-M. 168 Cameroun Otu, env. 60Km E. Mamfé
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bamps P.R.J. 1314 Cameroun Eseka, rivière Nyong, km 12
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 3569 Cameroun About 13 km. from Kribi, Edea road, disturbed loc., in old cassava farm
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 3628 Cameroun About 12 km from Kribi, Lolodorf road
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 3754 Cameroun Lobé R. bank, 1km. above Grand Batanga ferry, shady riverine forest
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 3761 Cameroun Lobé R. bank, 1km above Grand Batanga ferry
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 4162 Cameroun 18 km from Kribi, Lolodorf road, riverine forest
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 4492 Cameroun S. bank of Kienke R., just E. of Kribi, old cassava gardens
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Bos J.J. 4878 Cameroun 17km. From Kribi, Lolodorf road, edge of riverine forest on clearing
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Endengle E. 183 Cameroun Station de pêche et pisciculture de Melen à Yaoundé
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Huber H. 1044 Cameroun Rivière Npolongwe, between Kribi and Londji
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Koufani A. 119 Cameroun Ngongonjie, hill near Akonetye village, on Ebolowa - Ambam road. 2°30 S of Ebolowa
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Koufani A. 141 Cameroun Foot of Ngongonjié Hill, near Akonetye
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Letouzey R. 3877 Cameroun Melen II; IGN. Abong Mbang
Tiliaceae Desplatsia sp. Letouzey R. 4065 Cameroun Au Sud de Zingui, entre rivière Niété et Lobé (40 km ESE de Kribi)

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