Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Eulophia sp. Boubée N. 33 W Wakwa.
Eulophia sp. Boubée N. 50 W Wakwa.
Eulophia sp. Boubée N. 69 Wakwa.
Eulophia sp. Daramola B.O. 41051 On the mountain at Bafut Ngemba reserve which is 80 feet abpve sea level.
Eulophia sp. Daramola B.O. 41062 At the top of a hill near Bambuluwe lake, which is in Bafut Ngemba reserve.
Eulophia sp. De Namur 2314 Savane près de Ndikinimeki.
Eulophia sp. Farron C. 7316 45km au NE de la Sanaga, savane avoisinante, confluent de l'Assamba, près de la gare d Njoré.
Eulophia sp. Fotius 2663 40 km W. de Ngaoundéré - Carte IGN 1/200 000 Ngaoundéré
Eulophia sp. Fotius 2695 12 km Tignère, vers Kontcha
Eulophia sp. Maisels FM 110 Ijim forest, Afua swamp, Bamenda highlands.
Eulophia sp. Manning S.D. 186 Down hill from and outside of Polyclinique de Sende (Omnisport are).
Eulophia sp. Nditapah J.K. 222 Mamfe
Eulophia sp. Nditapah J.K. 239 Owelle, Mamfe.
Eulophia sp. Nordal I. 961 Adamaoua region, boye about 50km N. of Garoua Boulaï.
Eulophia sp. Onana J.-M. 388 Ako'o Kas, 26km SE Ebolowa.
Eulophia sp. Satabié B. 830 Route Nabemo-Ngaoui, environs pont sur Ngou, 75km NE Meiganga.
Eulophia sp. Satabié B. 832 Route Nabemo-Ngaoui, environs pont sur Ngou : 75km NE Meiganga.
Eulophia sp. SCA 2229 Bambui - Bamenda
Eulophia sp. Thomas D. 6073 Burned grassland and galleries West of Nkambe, on the ring-road.
Eulophia sp. Thomas D. 6077 Burned grassland and galleries West of Nkambe on the ring-road.

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