Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Baphia sp. | Satabié B. | 879 | Environs de Kaluma dans reserve forestière de Takamanda, 15km SW Akwaya. |
Baphia sp. | Tamaki | 3 | Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province. |
Baphia sp. | Tamaki | 146 | Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 2161 | Map - NB 32 IV - Buea-Douala. Rocky river bank, seasonally inuandated by flood water ; bank of Mana (Ndian) river. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 3218 | Forest in the Korup National Park. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 3222 | Small tree on inselfberg rock ; corolla white. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 3235 | Forest in the Korup National Park. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 3441 | Forest and swamps, 15km N. of Kribi. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 4192 | Relict forest near Kumba. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 4364 | Forest relict, Barombi Kang, near Kumba. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 4719 | Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2,5km on transect P. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 4806 | Forest on north side of Mme river, just below Bai (Ekumbako) waterfall. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 5211 | Scrub and disturbed forest around kumba. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 5660 | Secondary forest at Nganjo, west bank of Meme river on Kumba Mbonge road. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 5956 | 30km west of Kumba on Mbonge road. |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 6821 | Korup National Park |
Baphia sp. | Thomas D. | 7662 | Footpath between Ikenge and Bajo villages. |
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