Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Letouzey R. | 13811 | Entre Bayib Ossing et Okoroba, 20 km NW Nguti. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Letouzey R. | 14410 | Ekolbouni près Mouangel (1200 m), 10 Km WSW Melong. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Lowe J. | 3137 | 54 km on the road from Abong Mbang to Lomié. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Lowe J. | 3672 | 17 km W of Batibo. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Mackinder B. | 152 | Muambong |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Mambo P. | 43 | Secondary forest near Mbu village, 10 km. West of wone, which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Mambo P. | 57 | Old plantation near Mbu village, 10 km west of Wone, which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Manning S.D. | 164 | Hill just W of Nkolbisson agriculture research office. Approx. 8 km W of Yaoundé. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Mézili P. | 9 | Mezese, 20 km ENE de Sangmelima. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Nana P. | 133 | Subdivision de Bertoua à 49 km sur la route de Deng Deng. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Nana P. | 255 | Subdivision Bertoua. Sur la route Deng-Deng. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Nditapah J.K. | 433 | Fotabe, Bakebe, (Mamfe). |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Nemba | 75 | Barombi Mbo - Kumba. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Ngameni Kamga B. | 112 | Au pied du Mt Ngoro à 38 km au N de Bafia. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Raynal J. | 10712 | Massif de Ngolé (Ngoro de la carte IGN.: Linté). Vallée de la Sasé au NW de Banda. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | SCA | 41 | Seaside, Victoria, S.C. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Thomas D.W. | 6109 | Growth forest from the vicinity of Lake Barombi, Kumba. |
Turraea vogelii Hook.f. ex Benth. | Thomas D.W. | 8160 | Secondary forest around Banyu, 15 km west of Manyemen. |
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