Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Trifolium sp. Brunt 519 W. Cameroon
Trifolium sp. Buzgo M. 658 Elak : transect KA ; mountain slope North exposed
Trifolium sp. Buzgo M. 756 Turbo path, 500m after its splitting from the main road at the border of the Ijim Forest Protection Reserve
Trifolium sp. Buzgo M. 772 Turbo path, 500m fter its splitting from the main road at the border of the Ijim Forest Protection Reserve
Trifolium sp. Cheek M. 8555 Elak (Above Mboh, path above village to forest through wambeng's farm)
Trifolium sp. C.N.A.D. 1101 Djuttitsa
Trifolium sp. C.N.A.D. 1102 Bamboutos, (Djuttitsa)
Trifolium sp. C.N.A.D. 1152 Mont Cameroun, (Versant)
Trifolium sp. C.N.A.D. 1413 Kumbo
Trifolium sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8547 Int. De Cult. Peren. (ICP), just passing the bridge crossing the Noun river, on the road from Bafoussam - Foumbot, hill overlooking the area around
Trifolium sp. Kamundi 651 Ijim mountain forest, near Chufekhe stream
Trifolium sp. Koechlin 7178 Indéterminée.
Trifolium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8399 Manengouba Mts., WNW of Nkongsamba
Trifolium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8525 Manengouba (Nkongsamba)
Trifolium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9241 Km 2, Essosong Estate-Kola. N. side Mt. Koupé
Trifolium sp. Lejoly J. 86 776 Monts Bambouto, près Balatchi
Trifolium sp. Lejoly J. 86 777 Monts Bambouto, près de Bamok
Trifolium sp. Onana J.-M. 519 Aboh Village
Trifolium sp. Satabié B. 1060 Mont Oku. (Elak)
Trifolium sp. Satabié B. 1062 Mont Oku, côté Kilum, 20km W. Kumbo

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