Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Letouzey R. 5182 5 km à l'Est de Gribi, km 28 route Yokadouma - Batouri. Flle IGN 1/2000 Yokadouma.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Letouzey R. 11959 30 km à l'ENE d'Etat, soit à 53 km au SE de Ngoila (axe Lomié - Souanké). Flle IGN 1/2000 Suanké.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Letouzey R. 14070 Akwaya. Flle IGN 1/2000 Akwaya.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Manning S.D. 251 Plot of the Herbier National Camerounais on and near the N. shore of the Sanaga River just E. of Yaoundé - Bafia road.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Manning S.D. 252 Just East of Yaoundé - Bafia road. Near IRA/Herbier National Research area.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Manning S.D. 264 Plot of the Herbier National Camerounais on and near the N. shore of the Sanaga River just E. of Yaoundé - Bafia road.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Manning S.D. 267 Nofth side of Sanaga river, just East of Yaoundé - Bafia road. Near IRA/Herbier National Research are, Bongossi.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Manning S.D. 1871 Plot of the Herbier National Camerounais on and near the N. shore of the Sanaga River just E. of Yaoundé - Bafia road.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Nditapah J.K. 418 Ex. Herbier Jardin Botanique Victoria.
Psychotria vogeliana Benth. Nditapah J.K. 418 Mamfe

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