Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Palisota barteri Hook. Bos J.J. 3286 About 13 km. from Kribi, Ebolowa road, soggy and shady loc. in wet riverine forest.
Palisota barteri Hook. Bos J.J. 3991 About 8 km. S. of Kribi, high forest away from Lobé River.
Palisota barteri Hook. Bos J.J. 4406 12 km. from Kribi, high forest between Ebolowa road and Kienke River.
Palisota barteri Hook. Bullock S.H. 645 Vicinity (within 5 km) of Nkoelon.
Palisota barteri Hook. Faden R.B. 86 57 3 km E of Ipomo along the road to Nko'élon.
Palisota barteri Hook. Hall J. 79 93 Lobeke swamp / savanna. Site of old sport hunting camp.
Palisota barteri Hook. Harris D.J. 2476 35 Km W of Nguti. WCI study area.
Palisota barteri Hook. Harris D.J. 2505 35 Km W of Nguti. WCI study area. WCI study area close to the Miribi river.
Palisota barteri Hook. Harris D.J. 2981 Korup national park.
Palisota barteri Hook. Harris D.J. 2989 Korup National Park .WCI study area. 45 km W of Nguti.
Palisota barteri Hook. Karl A. K. Stromayer 88 1 Along the foot trail from Makeke Labor Camp to Ekundu Kundu 1 Village.
Palisota barteri Hook. Karl A. K. Stromayer 88 2 Along the foot trail from Makeke Labor Camp to Ekundu Kundu 1 Village.
Palisota barteri Hook. Karl A. K. Stromayer 89 15 Along the trail from Makeke Labor Camp to Ekundu Kundu 1 Village.
Palisota barteri Hook. Keating B. 90 17 Korup National Forest.
Palisota barteri Hook. Keating B. 90 22 Near Village of Too, 26 km SE of Ambam.
Palisota barteri Hook. Kengué 11 Mont Kala, 20km au S W. de Yaoundé.
Palisota barteri Hook. Koufani A. 46 Slopes of Ngongonjie, near Akonetye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa. Map IGN Ebolowa.
Palisota barteri Hook. Letouzey R. 11567 Colline de Kombeng (883 m), 8 km SSE Matomb, soit à 50 km WSW Yaoundé.
Palisota barteri Hook. Letouzey R. 13184 Près Ngomo, entre BN 296 et BN 316 ; 25km NNE - Nkambé.
Palisota barteri Hook. Letouzey R. 13532 Bordure septentrionale du lac Ejagham (35 km Mamfé).

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