Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 338 | Forest W. of Etoug Ebe Yaoundé (and disturbed farmland). South of Akondoi |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 339 | Forest W. of Etoug-Ebe Yaoundé and disturbed farmand. South of Akondol. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 340 | Forest W. of Etoug Ebe Yaoundé (and disturbed farmland). South of Akondoi. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 696 | Just E. of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. At or higher than lake elevation, approx; 'km W. of Kumba. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 760 | Along the S. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, and along path South from Lake. East 5km NW of Kumba. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 767 | Along the S. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, and along path South from Lake. East 5km NW of Kumba. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 822 | Along E. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. 4km NW of Kumba. Close to the S.E. corner of the lake. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Manning S.D. | 1620 | Just N. of Welele, between Yokadouma and Molundu. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Medou | s.n. | Indéterminé |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Meijer W. | 15165 | Yokadouma. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Mézili P. | 899 | Ikata, 35 km SSW de Kumba. Flle IGN 1/2000 Buea-Douala. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Mpom B. | 39 | 400 m du Bureau de la SRFK à Melen, subddivision Yaoundé. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Mpom B. | 189 | Subdivision de Yaoundé, près du Bureau de la SRFK de Melen. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Nana P. | 26 | Subdivision Doumé, dans le chantier Dimako. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Nana P. | 81 | Village Deng Deng. Subdivision Bertoua. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Nana P. | 273 | Subdivision Bertoua, près de Deng-Deng : savane préforestière sur sol argileux caillouteux. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Ngameni Kamga B. | 103 | Au pied du Mont Ngoro à 38 km au N. de Bafia. Flle IGN 1/2000 Linté. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Raynal J. | 9874 | 17 km SW Ambam. Forêt primaire riveraine du fleuve Ntem, au N. du village, sur la berge. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | Raynal J. | 10948 | Forêt-galerie de la Djim, ancien tracé de la route de Bafia. |
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. | SCA | 507 | Victoria |
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