Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Indigofera sp. Asonganyi J.N. 289 At Akam II 51 km SE Akonolinga. IGN Akonolinga
Indigofera sp. B.E.S.H.M. 296 Bamenda
Indigofera sp. Biholong M. 357 Rocher de Ful à 35km auy SSO de Yoko
Indigofera sp. Bonny 16 Fort - Foureau, route Waza
Indigofera sp. Bonny 37 Fort Lamy
Indigofera sp. Bos J.J. 4926 6 Km S. of Kribi, Bwambe
Indigofera sp. Boubée N. 72 Wakwa
Indigofera sp. Boubée N. . 141 Wakwa
Indigofera sp. Boubée N. 142 Wakwa
Indigofera sp. Boubée N. 157 Wakwa
Indigofera sp. Boubée N. 162 Wakwa
Indigofera sp. Buzgo M. 777 Aboh
Indigofera sp. Daramola B.O. 1183 Beside the footpath on Bamenda Nkwe Bafut NgembaF.R.
Indigofera sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7789 20 km on the coastal road from Kribi to Campo
Indigofera sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8559 Rim of crater on Mount Mbepit, NE of Foumbot
Indigofera sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8567 Rim of crater on Mount Mbepit, NE of Foumbot
Indigofera sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8568 Rim of crater on Mount Mbepit, NE of Foumbot
Indigofera sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8574 Slope of Mount Mbepit NE of foumbot
Indigofera sp. Etuge M. 3449 Aboh
Indigofera sp. Etuge M. 3465 Gikwang road towards Nyasoso forest - Ijim Mountain Forest Reserve

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