Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 10101 | 2 km W of Banyo |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 2172 | Rocher de Foui. IGN. Yoko. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 5676 | Hosséré Ngo (80 Km NW de Tibati) |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 6879 | Monts Mandara (Hosséré Oupay 1442 m; 15 km NNO de Mokolo. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 7852 | Pentes orientales du mont Yanga (1473 m) près Nyafianga (42 km NNE de Bafia). |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 9318 | Colline à 5 km au SW d'Ebianemeyong près Nyabessan (60 km à l'Est de Campo). |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 11986 | Près du Dja, à 13 km au NE d'Eta, soit à 40 km au SSE de Ngoila (Axe Lomié - Souanke). Feuille Souanké. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Letouzey R. | 12586 | Au sud de Ngola (8 Km E de l'embouchure de la Sanaga). |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Manning S.D. | 395 | In and around village of Ehumseh, Mejelet Bakossi, approx; 6 km W. of Bangem. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Manning S.D. | 438 | Approx 8 km W of Bangem. In and just E of Mejelet-Nteho I along path from Nteho I to Majelet Ehumseh. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Manning S.D. | 508 | Disturbed areas near center of Kumba. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Manning S.D. | 687 | Just E of lake Barombi Mbo, approx. At or higher than lake elevation. Approx. 4 km W. of Kumba. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Manning S.D. | 998 | Along path from Dibonda to Ekumbako, approx 10 km SE of Mundemba, Ndian division. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Raynal J. | 13332 | Wakwa (10 km S Ngaoundéré). |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Swarbrick | s.n. | Lava Idenau, SC. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Thomas D.W. | 2227 | Korup Reserve. Lowland rain forest, secondary forest, rocky river banks of Mana river, and oil palms. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | van der Zon A.P.M. | 1170 | Lac Tison, 8 Km sud de Ngaoundéré |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | van der Zon A.P.M. | 2972 | Hosere Vokre - Kogo. |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Wit | 3336 | Chute de Tello |
Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex. Sw.) Sm. | Zapfack | 1191 | Oku Elak. Iwook Etele Mbae. |
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