Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Asonganyi J.N. 10 Around Ngolebang 42 km SE Mbalmayo.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Asonganyi J.N. 26 River Awout 42 Km. SE de Mbalmayo.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Asonganyi J.N. 232 At Koungoulou, 73 km SE Akonolinga.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Bos J.J. 2990 2 Km S of Kribi, Gr. Batanga road.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Bos J.J. 3167 2 Km S of Kribi, Gr. Batanga road.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Bos J.J. 3668 About 16 km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Bos J.J. 4063 18 Km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Bos J.J. 5467 15 Km N. of Kribi, riverine forest, Mpolongwe
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Breteler F.J. 2648 27 km N of Sangmélima along road to Mbalmayo.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7656 Primary forest, on hill facing the village of Nkolandom I.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7796 19 km on the coastal road from Kribi to Campo.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8038 16 km, on the recently reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minkok
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Etuge M. 3 Secondary forest near Nlog village, north of Nyassosso.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Farron C. 263 Reserve forestière d'Ototomo, à 40 km de Yaoundé sur la route de Kribi.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. inconnu s.n. Makak
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9826 1 km W of km 21 Victoria - Kumba road.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Lejoly J. 86 1024 13 km à l'Est d'Akonéthié (3 km au Sud d'Olonou).
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Letouzey R. 1847 Forêt d'Essong.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Letouzey R. 4212 Nkomonprès Ngoase au S. de la rivière Lobo.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Letouzey R. 4212 bis Nkomo près Ngoase au S de la rive Lobe.

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