Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Commelina capitata Benth. Asonganyi J.N. 335 At Boyak in Ndokwanen : 19km S. of Ndikinimeki.
Commelina capitata Benth. Batie 90 1 West Province, Department of Mifi, just below Batié Training Center (col de Batié), ca.
Commelina capitata Benth. Bos J.J. 3634 About 12 km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Commelina capitata Benth. Bos J.J. 5999 Riverine forest of tributairy to Kienke river, just E of Kribi.
Commelina capitata Benth. Breteler F.J. 889 9km SW of Yaoundé, near road to Makak.
Commelina capitata Benth. Bruce 90 4 Center Province, Mfou Department, Essé Arrondissement, Nsimi village.
Commelina capitata Benth. Bruce 93 23 East Province, Boumba-Ngoko Department, Arrondissement de Moloundou, 3km port of Ekounou
Commelina capitata Benth. Dang D. 773 Colline Nkolfeb, dans le masif Mbamminkom. Flle IGN 1/2000 Yaoundé.
Commelina capitata Benth. de Kruif A.P.M. 753 Near Kelemba, about km 27 road Yokadouma - Ndélélé (N. of Yokadouma).
Commelina capitata Benth. Faden R.B. 86 7 South-Central Province, Nkolbisson, 8km W of Yaoundé, Akouandoué hill south of the town
Commelina capitata Benth. Jacques-Félix H. 8681 Ngaoundere
Commelina capitata Benth. Jacques-Félix H. 9155 Forêt de Mbalmayo.
Commelina capitata Benth. J.N. 75 M. 13, Mamfe-Kumba, RD, S., C.
Commelina capitata Benth. Karl A. K. Stromayer 89 4 The Korup National Park
Commelina capitata Benth. Keating B. 89 10 South -Province, Ntem Department, Ebolowa Arrondissement, just pass the first village (Essinguili) on the road from Ebolowa to Yaoundé
Commelina capitata Benth. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8998 Chutes Ekom Nkam R.
Commelina capitata Benth. Letouzey R. 468 Versant Sud du Mont Koupé.
Commelina capitata Benth. Letouzey R. 2485 Bordure forestière du lac Mbella Assom.
Commelina capitata Benth. Letouzey R. 2893 Pouté. Carte IGN Bertoua.
Commelina capitata Benth. Letouzey R. 5751 50km à l'Ouest de Tibati

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