Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Chlorophytum sp. Manning S.D. 1905 Near top of hill Akondoi NW of handicapped center, Etoug Ebe, Yaoundé.
Chlorophytum sp. Mpom B. 229 Kribi - 2 km d'Adjab
Chlorophytum sp. Mpom B. 341 A 20 km de la gare de Maloume, Piste de Bimem au bord du Nyong.
Chlorophytum sp. Nditapah J.K. 386 Mueba, Bakossi, Kumba.
Chlorophytum sp. Nemba 362 Ndian-Dibonda-Ekumbako road.
Chlorophytum sp. Onana J.-M. 536 Muambong, in Kupe-muanenguba.
Chlorophytum sp. Raynal J. 9764 Nkoemvom (12 km S Ebolowa)
Chlorophytum sp. Raynal J. 10095 Mendoum (19km S Ambam).
Chlorophytum sp. Raynal J. 10358 Ebolowa-Si I,colline cristalline dominant la ville d'Ebolowa à l'W.
Chlorophytum sp. Raynal J. 10363 Ebemwok (55 kmW Ebolowa)
Chlorophytum sp. Satabié B. 1050 Parc National de Korup, 20 Km N. de Mundemba.
Chlorophytum sp. SCA 1902 Indéterminé
Chlorophytum sp. Swarbrick 2388 Mueba, Bakossi, Kumba.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 2213 South Korup Reserve.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 2809 Forest on southern slope of Mount Cameroun, above Batoke.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 2810 Forest of the southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 3327 Forest in north-eastern corner of Korup National Park; near Baro village.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 4409 Forest along bank of Ndian River near PAMOL field 69, Korup National Park.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 5593 Southern end of Korup National Park.
Chlorophytum sp. Thomas D.W. 7854 Forest in the Korup National park, between Akwa and Bera.

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