Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Letouzey R. 1267 Cameroun Essam. Nanga-Eboko
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Letouzey R. 1317 Cameroun Essam. Nanga-Eboko
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Letouzey R. 4552 Cameroun Au S. de Nkoulazé, 35km S. Bengbis
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Letouzey R. 12268 Cameroun Inselberg à l'Ouest de Botmakak (40 km NNE-Eseka). Flle IGN 1/2000 Edéa
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Letouzey R. 15122 Cameroun Korup Forest Reserve au NE d'Erat Ekong II (feuille IGN Mamfé), 20 Km NW Mundemba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 735 Cameroun Along the S. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. 5km NW of Kumba, and unless otherwise noted slightly above lake level.
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 755 Cameroun Along the S shore of Lake Barombi Mbo and along path south from lake Est 5km NW of Kumba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 779 Cameroun Along the S. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo and along path south from lake. Est 5km NW of Kumba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 817 Cameroun Along E. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. 4km NW of Kumba. Close to the S.E. corner of the lake.
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 823 Cameroun Along E. shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. 4km NW of Kumba. Close to the S.E. corner of the lake.
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 958 Cameroun Approx. 1km S. of Bulu Camp. Palmol plantation, approx. 5 km S. of Mundemba, Ndian Div. On bank of river
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 978 Cameroun Along path from Dibonda to Ekumbako, approx. 10 km SE of mundemba, Ndian Div.
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1030 Cameroun Along path from Bulu camp, palmol plantation to Ekumbako, approx. 7km S of Mundemba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1033 Cameroun Along path from Bulu camp, palmol plantation to Ekumbako, approx. 7km S of Mundemba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1100 Cameroun Along road from main Kumba-Muyuka road past Kindonge camp, Southern Bakundu Forest reserve. Approx. 17 Km S. and 13 Km W. of Kumba by road.
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1496 Cameroun Forest paths to approx. 1 km W of Bombe - Bakundu, approx. 20 km S of Kumba
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Mpom B. 346 Cameroun A 200m du Campement de Mangombe, près d'Edéa
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Nana P. 188 Cameroun km 69, route Ndemba I. IGN Bertoua
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Nemba 153 Cameroun Mile 15, Mamfe road, between Kumba and Baduma
Violaceae Rinorea sp. Nemba 330 Cameroun Mundemba-Fabe road, Secondary forest

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