Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Violaceae Rinorea coperi Taton Letouzey R. 13423 Cameroun Rive droite de la Metchum près Obang (15km S. Wum)
Violaceae Rinorea couvallarioides (Bak. f.) Eyles Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6186 Cameroun km. 35 of road Yokadouma - Yola ( also to Batouri ), 5 km Nord of Gribi
Violaceae Rinorea couvallarioides (Bak. f.) Eyles Letouzey R. 1981 Cameroun Piste forestière Metep - Ngoajou. IGN Yoko.
Violaceae Rinorea couvallarioides (Bak. f.) Eyles Letouzey R. 3953 Cameroun Près Dyebadop. Feuille IGN. Abong bang
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Bos J.J. 4294 Cameroun 28 km. From Kribi, Lolodorf road, high forest on low mountain slope
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Breteler F.J. 1059 Cameroun Bétaré Oya, 5 km along road to Bertoua
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Breteler F.J. 1305 Cameroun Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Bétaré Oya
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Breteler F.J. 1452 Cameroun Secondary forest along road from Mbang (40 W. of Bertoua) to Ndemba, 10 km South of Ndemba.
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Breteler F.J. 2501 Cameroun Near Nkolbisson, 7km W. of Yaoundé
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Breteler F.J. 2930 Cameroun In secondary regrowth along road from Ebaka, 1 - 10 km SW. to Ndemba
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. de Kruif A.P.M. 811 Cameroun 50 km W of Béla (along Sangha R., near R.C.A, border, about 82 km E of Lokomo, km 120 road Yokadouma - Moloundou)
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7640 Cameroun Hill roughly situated between the station cacaoyer de Nkoemvone and the village of Nkolandom I
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1533 Cameroun Ca. 40Km S. of Badjob, ca. 50km SW of Eséka. Near the bridge over the Nyong river
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Etuge M. 90 Cameroun Secondary forest near Etam village, between Kumba and Tombel, in the Bakossi Forest Reserve.
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5182 Cameroun 64 km E. of Kopongo, 1 Km W. of Masok (straight distance 41 Km E. of Bonépoupa). Right bank Ouem R., affluence right bank Sanaga R
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5193 Cameroun 64 km E. of Kopongo, 1 Km W. of Masok (straight distance 41 Km E. of Bonépoupa). Right bank Ouem R., affluence right bank Sanaga R
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5255 Cameroun 10 km W of Masok. About 50 years old secondary forest with scattered high oil - palmtrees. Near ancient village Njongo
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5837 Cameroun 1 km N. of km 29 of road Bertoua - Nanga Eboko
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6671 Cameroun 7 km. N. of Lomié, between Bingongol and Mintoum
Violaceae Rinorea dentata P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6941 Cameroun 3 km. S. of Victoria, near Bimbia. Light secondary forest

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