Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nana P. 250 Cameroun Bertoua - Esselegue, km 65.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nemba 83 Cameroun Mature forest on the steep slopes of the crater, Barombi Mbo. Kumba.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nemba 171 Cameroun Mile 15, Mamfe road, between Kumba and Baduma.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nemba 427 Cameroun Mukete plantation, secondary growing forest Kumba.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 882 Cameroun Mt. Cameroun, du côté de Buea.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 1008 Cameroun Mt. Cameroun, versant de Likombe.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Satabié B. 1116 Cameroun Colline Nlo'o près du village Kodmin, 30 km au nord de Tombel.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Sonké B. 549 Cameroun Layon nord-sud à partir de Djolimpoun (entre Somalomo-Malen)
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Sonké B. 860 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Tamaki 184 Cameroun Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Thomas D.W. 4689 Cameroun Mature rain forest in Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2.5 km on transect P.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Thomas D.W. 7670 Cameroun Korup National Park. Old growth lowland rain forest between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6 kms west of Ikenge.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis sp. Thomas D.W. 8119 Cameroun Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Brunt 950 Cameroun Johann-Albrechtshöhe.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Letouzey R. 586 Cameroun Ilot forestier de Goura entre Ntui - Bafia.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Letouzey R. 2841 Cameroun Nika, bers Bertoua.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Letouzey R. 13982 Cameroun Piste Munkep - Gayama, 40km NNW Wum.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Letouzey R. 14568 Cameroun Monts Rumpi-Rata Mount (1788m), 2 km au SW de Dikome Balue; 35 km NNW Kumba.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Manning S.D. 2131 Cameroun On the hill Nkolnlong approx. 15 km W of Nkolbisson, 23 km W of Yaoundé). Approx. 1 km S of old Yaoundé - Douala road.
Thymelaeaceae Dicranolepis vestita Engl. Mpom B. 527 Cameroun Sur la montée de Watara, 8 km de piste forestière après Biakoa (Ntui).

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