Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nana P. |
250 |
Cameroun |
Bertoua - Esselegue, km 65. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nemba |
83 |
Cameroun |
Mature forest on the steep slopes of the crater, Barombi Mbo. Kumba. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nemba |
171 |
Cameroun |
Mile 15, Mamfe road, between Kumba and Baduma. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nemba |
427 |
Cameroun |
Mukete plantation, secondary growing forest Kumba. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nkongmeneck B.-A. |
882 |
Cameroun |
Mt. Cameroun, du côté de Buea. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Nkongmeneck B.-A. |
1008 |
Cameroun |
Mt. Cameroun, versant de Likombe. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Satabié B. |
1116 |
Cameroun |
Colline Nlo'o près du village Kodmin, 30 km au nord de Tombel. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Sonké B. |
549 |
Cameroun |
Layon nord-sud à partir de Djolimpoun (entre Somalomo-Malen) |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Sonké B. |
860 |
Cameroun |
Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Tamaki |
184 |
Cameroun |
Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Thomas D.W. |
4689 |
Cameroun |
Mature rain forest in Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2.5 km on transect P. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Thomas D.W. |
7670 |
Cameroun |
Korup National Park. Old growth lowland rain forest between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6 kms west of Ikenge. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis sp. |
Thomas D.W. |
8119 |
Cameroun |
Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Brunt |
950 |
Cameroun |
Johann-Albrechtshöhe. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Letouzey R. |
586 |
Cameroun |
Ilot forestier de Goura entre Ntui - Bafia. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Letouzey R. |
2841 |
Cameroun |
Nika, bers Bertoua. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Letouzey R. |
13982 |
Cameroun |
Piste Munkep - Gayama, 40km NNW Wum. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Letouzey R. |
14568 |
Cameroun |
Monts Rumpi-Rata Mount (1788m), 2 km au SW de Dikome Balue; 35 km NNW Kumba. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Manning S.D. |
2131 |
Cameroun |
On the hill Nkolnlong approx. 15 km W of Nkolbisson, 23 km W of Yaoundé). Approx. 1 km S of old Yaoundé - Douala road. |
Thymelaeaceae |
Dicranolepis vestita Engl. |
Mpom B. |
527 |
Cameroun |
Sur la montée de Watara, 8 km de piste forestière après Biakoa (Ntui). |