Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Doyle 2 Cameroun Bomana village; near Idenaw, SW Province. Near base of Mount Cameroun.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Floret 551 Cameroun Reserve forestière d'Edjagham environ 42 km E Mamfe.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Gereau R.E. 5202 Cameroun ca. 10km NW of Mundemba on Ekundu Kundu Road
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Letouzey R. 12545 Cameroun Près Manguigues : 15km SSW Eséka : bas fond forestier, aux abords vaseux d'une rivière. Flle IGN 1/2000 Edéa.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Letouzey R. 14630 Cameroun Près Kendonge, reserve forest_ère de Bakundu : 13km SSW Kumba.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Letouzey R. 15042 Cameroun Près Mondongo, 30km WNW Sous prefecture Muyuka.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Nemba 7107 Cameroun Secondary forest by the bridge over the river, fabe road, 5km north of Mundemba town.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Thomas D. 2222 Cameroun Korup Forest reserve.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Thomas D.W. 4199 Cameroun Forest and forest relics near Mundemba
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Thomas D.W. 6708 Cameroun Korup National Park Transect ''P''.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Thomas D.W. 6809 Cameroun Vicinity of Mundemba, Ndian div.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia alata Baker f. Thomas D.W. 7856 Cameroun Korup National Park, between Akwa and Bera.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia cf. laurifolia (Pierre) Tiegh. Letouzey R. 12831 Cameroun Colline Bog, à 5km à l' Ouest d'Atogboga (25km NNE Bipindi). Flle. IGN 1/2000 Edéa.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia laurifolia (Pierre) Tiegh. Letouzey R. 9020 Cameroun A 15 Km au SSE de Zingui (soit à 50 Km au SE de Kribi).
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia laurifolia (Pierre) Tiegh. Letouzey R. 14982 Cameroun Pente SW du Mont Etindé (ou petit Mont Cameroun), vers Batoke, 10 km WNW Victoria.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia sp. Manning S.D. 2013 Cameroun Libamba college, approx. 9 Km E of Makak.
Scytopetalaceae Oubanguia sp. Thomas D.W. 4751 Cameroun Mature rain forest in the Kolrup National Paark, collected between Ndian river at Palmol field, 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.
Scytopetalaceae Pierrina sp Manning S.D. 2033 Cameroun Along and near the road from Libamba College to the river Nyong, approx; 7km ESE of Makak.
Scytopetalaceae Pierrina zenkeri Engl. Bamps P.R.J. 1460 Cameroun Reserve forestière de Makak.
Scytopetalaceae Pierrina zenkeri Engl. Bos J.J. 3235 Cameroun Road to Bipindi and Lolodorf, ruderal roadside just outside Kribi.

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