Les échantillons de l'Herbier LBV

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Asclepiadaceae Secamone brevipes (Benth.) Klack. Sosef 1710 Gabon ca 1km au Sud-Ouest de Gongoué.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone brevipes (Benth.) Klack. Walters 655 Gabon Kwassa. Fishing village next to Banio Lagune. Savanna and primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone brevipes (Benth.) Klack. Wilde (WALK-B) 806 Gabon Eastern part of the Presidential Reserve Wonga-Wongué, c. 100 km S of Libreville.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone dewevrei De Wild. Breteler F.J. 10926 Gabon c. 5-30 km NNW of Ndjolé.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone dewevrei De Wild. Louis A.M. 2720 Gabon Chantier Leroy, route Mouila-Yeno.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone dewevrei De Wild. Wilde (WALK-B) 566 Gabon 45 km along the road M'Bigou - Lebamba.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone dewevrei De Wild. Wilde (WALK-B) 739 Gabon 13 km along the road Tchibanga - Ndende, and then 8 km along a forest exploitation track in a N.W. direction.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone erythradenia K.Schum. Louis A.M. 2170 Gabon chantier Oveng vers Mitzic.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone erythradenia K.Schum. Louis A.M. 2691 Gabon Montagne Mengong sur route Sam vers Mitzic.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone goyderi Klack. Breteler F.J. 12483 Gabon c. 15km S of Bakoumba.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone goyderi Klack. Louis A.M. 934 Gabon Massif du Chaillu, along road Mimongo - Koulamoutou, between Dibandi and Diyanga, 20-30 km NE of Mimongo.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone goyderi Klack. Louis A.M. 1158 Gabon Secondary forest near resthouse SOFOSUGA forest expl., ± 35 km SW of Ndendé, road Ndendé-Tchibanga.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone goyderi Klack. Thomas D.W. 6592 Gabon Roadside between Ndjale town and railway station, secondary forest and scrub.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone goyderi Klack. Wieringa J.J. 2964 Gabon along road Yombi to Mandji, 5 km past Bembodié.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11847 Gabon Lopé Reserve.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. Ngok Banak L. 1715 Gabon Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. Ngok Banak L. 1839 Gabon c. 4km NNW of Ikei-Bokaboka, Bengoué Mountain.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. Sosef 560 Gabon Réserve de la Lopé, Chantier Mitendi. Forêt mature. Bord du route.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. Wieringa J.J. 4047 Gabon Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Asclepiadaceae Secamone letouzeyana (H.Huber) Klack. Wieringa J.J. 4065 Gabon 34 km on road Alèmbé to Lopé, next to bridge over a small stream.

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