Les échantillons de l'Herbier LBV

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis mcphersonii P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 862 Gabon c.15 km south of Mitzic, in Foreex conssession, c. 4 km after leaving main road (N2).
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis mcphersonii P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 881 Gabon on road from Mitzic to Lalara (N2), just after the bridge over the Lara, c.500 m in forest.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis mcphersonii P.H.Hoekstra McPherson 15708 Gabon South of Ayem; western border of Lopé-Okanda Reserve; along lumber roads south of SEEF chantier.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis mcphersonii P.H.Hoekstra Reitsma J.M. 2977 Gabon Primary mountainous forest, ca 4 km NNE of Oveng.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis montana (Engl. & Diels) P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 870 Gabon on road from Mitzic to Lalara (N2), just after the bridge over the Lara, 200 m in forest.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis montana (Engl. & Diels) P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 891 Gabon c.15 km south of Mitzic (N2), in Foreex logging conssession, 5 km after the bridge after the main base camp (Saint Germain, c.25 km from road N2), on abandoned logging road left to the main road.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis montana (Engl. & Diels) P.H.Hoekstra Leeuwenberg 12479 Gabon Cap Esteria, 2 km S of Cape, 28 km NW of Libreville.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis montana (Engl. & Diels) P.H.Hoekstra Sosef 2013 Gabon N of Libreville, Forêt de la Mondah.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis montana (Engl. & Diels) P.H.Hoekstra Wieringa J.J. 5452 Gabon Mondah forest, military area S of Cap Estérias, along the road to Cap Militaire.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis paniculata P.H.Hoekstra McPherson 16123 Gabon near Booué-Makokou road, north of Koumameyong, along SHM lumber roads.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis paniculata P.H.Hoekstra Reitsma J.M. 2870 Gabon c. 20 km N of Libreville.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis pellegrinii Verdc. Breteler F.J. 14014 Gabon Koumounabouali massif, SW of Fougamou.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis quasilanceolata P.H.Hoekstra de Wilde J.J.F.E. 10971 Gabon Rabi, Shell/Gabon, just N of Airstrip.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis scamnopetala (Exell) P.H.Hoekstra Sosef 2220 Gabon Bélinga, Mines de Fer, 4 km on the road to Mvadi.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis schweinfurthii (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. McPherson 15091 Gabon South of Estuaire du Gabon along Remboué River; British Gas site.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis schweinfurthii (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. Niangadouma R. 210 Gabon Plateaux Batéké National Parc. Station Projet Protection des Gorilles. Savane forêt galerie; pistes aménageés pour an suivi des gorilles.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis schweinfurthii (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. var. tisserantii (Le Thomas) Verdc. Sosef 2238 Gabon c. 15 km down the Ivindo River from the IRET Research Station, SW of Makokou.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis sterilis P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 713 Gabon Ossélé village, 45 km on road from Franceville to Kessala.
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis sterilis P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 731 Gabon
Annonaceae Monanthotaxis sterilis P.H.Hoekstra Couvreur T.L.P. 869 Gabon on road from Mitzic to Lalara (N2), just after the bridge over the Lara, 150 m in forest.

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