Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tectaria sp. Biye E. 48 Along the Ndip river using the path behing the church of the village.
Tectaria sp. Etuge M. 4128 Muambong in Kupe-Manenguba division.
Tectaria sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8799 Nkongsamba
Tectaria sp. Lejoly J. 86 842 Mont Nlonako, près de Nkongsamba, village Enguengue.
Tectaria sp. Lejoly J. 86 1090 8 km à l'Est d'Akonetye (3 km au sud d'Olomou).
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 568 Approx. 0.5 km S from old Mbu, in forest mostly at slightly higher elevation than the village.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 633 In area just approx. SW of old Mbu village.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 705 Just E of lake Barombi Mbo, approx. At or higher than lake elevation. Approx. 4 km W. of Kumba.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 717 Approx. 4 Km NW of Kumba, in forest near the SE shore of lake Barombi-Mbo, nearly at lake level.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 811 On hill N of Ekombe. Approx. 7km W of Kumba.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 878 Approx. 4 km NW of Kumba, in area just downstream of overflow spillway at SE side of lake Barombi Mbo.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 1279 Up the Cameroun Mountain just of Mapanja.
Tectaria sp. Manning S.D. 1949 Approx. 1 km E of Libamaba college, approx. 9 km E of Makak.
Tectaria sp. Meijer W. 15164 B A sud de Yokadouma.
Tectaria sp. Thomas D.W. 2965 Montane forest and meadows on the southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Tectaria sp. Thomas D.W. 3028 Lowland forest on the southern slope of mount Cameroun, above Batoke.
Tectaria sp. Thomas D.W. 4191 Forest in farmland at Barombi Kang, Kumba.
Tectaria sp. Timmerman 1110 Mont Koupé.

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