Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Breteler F.J. | 2688 | Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmelima along road to Yaoundé. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 5048 | 60 Km SW. Of Eseka, S. of Nyong R., 12 Km W. of Songbong. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 5238 | 3 km E of Kopongo, along road to Masok. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 5441 | 13 km N of Lobo, 40 km NW of Yaoundé. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 6413 | 3 km E of km 21 of road Yabassi - Douala. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 6722 | 8 km E of Lomié, along road to Eschienbot, W of Polydor. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 6959 | 3 km S of Victoria, near Bimbia. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 7000 | Km 30 Kribi - Campo road, Mbodé Bay. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 7471 | Right bank Kélé R., left bank tributary, 30km N. of Eséka, E. road to Mbanga. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 7481 | About 20 km NW of Yaoundé, 24 km along road Mefomo-Okala, 14 km about NE of Lobo |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 7887 | 5 km N of Kribi Ebolowa road. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 8157 | Chantier Bakak, km 4 Eboné - Ekomtolo road (Eboné situated on km 17 Nkongsamba - Loum road). Near left bank Mahoné R. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 9888 | Chutes Ekom, Nkam R. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 10580 | Forêt de Bakaka, 3 km E. of Eboné, a village on km 11 Nkongsamba-Loum Road. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 10645 | SW of Kompina. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 10665 | Right bank Mvi R., S of bridge in Foumban - Magba road. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Manning S.D. | 732 | Along the S shore of Lake Barombi Mbo and along path south from lake Est 5km NW of Kumba. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Nemba | 133 | Mile 15, Mamfe road, between Kumba and Baduma. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Thomas D.W. | 4706 | Mature rain forest in Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2.5 km on transect P. |
Strychnos phaeotricha Gilg | Thomas D.W. | 6835 | Vicinity of Mundemba, Ndian division. |
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