Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Stellaria sp. Buzgo M. 672 Elak
Stellaria sp. Cheek M. 8680 Aboh village.
Stellaria sp. C.N.A.D. 1088 Djuttitsa - Bamboutous
Stellaria sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8614 About 2 km along the road from Santa to Bamenda.
Stellaria sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9621 Nkongsamba.
Stellaria sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9863 Manengouba Mts., WNW of Nkongsamba.
Stellaria sp. Lejoly J. 86 820 Jachère herbeuse aux abords du Jardin Agrostologique
Stellaria sp. Letouzey R. 8891 Près Kitiwoum, 40 km S. de Nkambé. Flle IGN 1/2000 Nkambé.
Stellaria sp. Manning S.D. 429 Approx 8 km W of Bangem. In and just E of Mejelet-Nteho I along path from Nteho I to Majelet Ehumseh.
Stellaria sp. Swarbrick 2207 Ambas Island, Victoria.
Stellaria sp. Thomas D. 2955 Mount Cameroon.
Stellaria sp. Thomas D. 2979 Mount Cameroon.

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