Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Breteler F.J. | 110 | Near Johann-Albrechtshütte. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Buzgo M. | 646 | Elak : Transect KC. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Buzgo M. | 664 | Elak. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Cheek M. | 8505 | Elak (Path from Project Headquaters to transect KA). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Cheek M. | 8515 | Elak (Path from Project Headquarters to transect KA). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Cheek M. | 9050 | Kodmin (Road to Acha de Nkan. From Kodmin, c. 1km). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Fotius | 2910 | Hossere Gode 16 km WNW poli |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 6980 | S. of Buea, between Sasse and Soppo on the short Victoria-Buea road. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Letouzey R. | 8870 | Près Ntoumbo ou Ndoumbo (30 Km SE de Nkambe). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Letouzey R. | 11601 | Près Bonakanda I : 7km NE Buea (Mont Cameroun). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Munyenyembe | 702 | Elak (Mont Oku). |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Nditapah J.K. | 297 | Above Buea, Cameroons. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Swarbrick | 2152 | Mont Cameroun. |
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. | Swarbrick | 2297 | Above Buea, Cameroons. |
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