Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 110 Near Johann-Albrechtshütte.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Buzgo M. 646 Elak : Transect KC.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Buzgo M. 664 Elak.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Cheek M. 8505 Elak (Path from Project Headquaters to transect KA).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Cheek M. 8515 Elak (Path from Project Headquarters to transect KA).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Cheek M. 9050 Kodmin (Road to Acha de Nkan. From Kodmin, c. 1km).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Fotius 2910 Hossere Gode 16 km WNW poli
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6980 S. of Buea, between Sasse and Soppo on the short Victoria-Buea road.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Letouzey R. 8870 Près Ntoumbo ou Ndoumbo (30 Km SE de Nkambe).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Letouzey R. 11601 Près Bonakanda I : 7km NE Buea (Mont Cameroun).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Munyenyembe 702 Elak (Mont Oku).
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Nditapah J.K. 297 Above Buea, Cameroons.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Swarbrick 2152 Mont Cameroun.
Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. Swarbrick 2297 Above Buea, Cameroons.

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