Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Faden R.B. 86 17 8km W. of Yaoundé, Minloua Hill, ca. 3 km NW of the town
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Hall J. 37 92 East province, Boumba-Ngoko Department, Moloundou Arriondissement, old SFIS logging concession
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Henke D. 90 25 South of Nkongsamba town.
Commelina thomasii Hutch. IRCAM 374 Dibombari
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Kahn B. 90 12 Center Province, Mfou Department, Essé Arrondissement, lintersection of Ewot/assama with Nkolessong
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Keating B. 90 14 Village of Ando'o, ca 10 km frm Ebolowa main circle on the Kribi road
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6760 14 km. N. of Lomié, along road to Abong Mbang, between Djébé and Djénoum.
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Matzner A. 89 1 East province; Bertoua/Batouri Department; Kadey Arrondissement; Gandji village
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Matzner A. 89 7 East province, Kadey Arrondissement, Bakombo (17km West of Batouri)
Commelina thomasii Hutch. Ogu 200 Bota, Victoria.

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