Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Bos J.J. 3689 About 9 km N. of Kribi
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Bos J.J. 4533 15 km N. of Kribi, Mpolongwe R
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Bos J.J. 5937 7 km S. of Kribi
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Cheek M. 8854 Mundemba : Mana bridge. Park side
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Fotius 2491 H. Banglang. 60 km sur Tchamba carte ING Tchamba
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Goetghebeur 4932 Way Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi : Mbam-massif
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Goetghebeur 5056 N. of Banyo, N. of Sambolabo, Mayo Kelele, towards the feet of Tchabal Mbabo, direction Dodeo
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Jacques-Félix H. 8800 Haute vallée de la Woko
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5629 Left bank Lokoundjé R., near Edéa, 26 km N. of Kribi, near bridge in road to Edéa
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Letouzey R. 3584 Près de Bouba - Badzéré : Flle IGN 1/2000 Betaré-Oya
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Letouzey R. 8657 Grand Yoki, près Mayo Darlé : 40 km SO Banyo. Flle IGN 1/2000 Banyo.
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Manning S.D. 1217 Prov. southwest: Along bank of Cross River just N of Nsanaragati.
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Nditapah J.K. 411 Mamfé
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Raynal J. 10920 yoko, 3 km NW de la ville. Route de Kong
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Raynal J. 13311 Ndigou (Bilasora), 39 km E Ngaoundéré
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Thomas D.W. 4480 Forest and meadows on the gently slopingside of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Thomas D.W. 5102 B On the Western side of Mount Koupé.
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty Thomas D.W. 8067 Collections made along the footpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang
Psychotria psychotrioides (DC.) Roberty van der Zon A.P.M. 2107 Chutes de Tello, 45 km E de Ngaoundéré

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