Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Bamps P.R.J. 1422 Badjob - Nyong, km 14.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Bos J.J. 2970 2 km S. of Kribi, Gr. Batanga road.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5666 4 km E. of km 65 of road Edea - Kribi.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6295 17 km E. of Kopongo, along road to Masok, right bank Bolobo R..
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Lowe J. 3163 90 km on the road from Abong Mbang to Lomié.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Manning S.D. 905 Along Mundemba-Fabe road just NE of Mundemba.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Manning S.D. 1086 Along timber road approx. 1 km W. of the main Kumbe-Muyuka road. Approx. 28 km S. of Kumba.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Manning S.D. 1579 10 km N. of Welele, between Yokadouma and Molundu, along a timber cutting road.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. SCA 1856 Victoria
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Swarbrick 794 Victoria - Kumba road.
Mussaenda tenuiflora Benth. Thomas D.W. 199 Lac Tissongo, Douala - Edéa Reserve.

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