Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 669 Doume, Near Catholic mission
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 1789 35 Km SE of Yaoundé, south of village Mfoe
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8276 N'koemvone, 14 Km. On the road from Ebolowa to Ambam
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Etuge M. s.n. Nyale
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Guarisma 68 Bafia
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5605 Right bank Lokoundjé R. near Edéa, 26km N. of Kribi, near bridge in road to Edéa
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6487 18 Km. SE. of Douala, along road to Ndonga (=old road to Edéa)
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Lejoly J. 86 860 Mont Nlonako, près de Nkongsamba ; village Enguengue
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Mackinder B. 428 Banyang-mbo sanctuary; path from research station to Lowa river, descent to Lowa River
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Manning S.D. 768 Along the S shore of Lake Barombi Mbo and along path south from lake Est 5km NW of Kumba.
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Manning S.D. 1062 Barombi mbo
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Manning S.D. 1838 Approx. 10 Km SE of the center of Yaounde, near the village of Bitoto on the Yaounde-Akonolinga road
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Manning S.D. 1839 Approx. 10 Km SE of the center of Yaounde, near the village of Bitotot on the Yaounde -Akonolinga road
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Manning S.D. 1994 Approx. 1 km E of Libamba Collège, approx. 9 km E of Makak
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Meijer W. 15007 Près de Yaoundé, sur la route de kribi
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Meijer W. 15309 Près de l'eau. Environs rocher d'Akoakas.
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Nditapah J.K. 242 Mile 83 Kumba - Mamfe road
Mucuna flagellipes Hook.f. Thomas D.W. 148 S. bank of Sanaga R. nr Olombe

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