Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Hall J.C. | 95 2 | Tongo village. |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Kahn B. | 90 5 | Edou village. |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Kahn B. | 90 16 | Edou village. |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Kahn B. | 93 25 | 3 km Port of Ekounou. |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Leslie | 87 2 | Bertoua, about 10 km N of Bertoua on Deng - Deng road. Older Onaref stand on right side of road. |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Manning S.D. | 314 | Road and forest above benedictine mission, Mt. Febe (Yaounde). |
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. | Purkiss C. | 87 2 | 2 km from the Nkolbisson interchange, at the end of dirt road which continues on the right. |
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