Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Cheek M. | 8144 | Ekundu Kundu, transect 10, 8km from origin (pot 6). |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Etuge M. | 79 | Secondary forest near Etam village, between Kumba and Tombel, in the Bakossi Forest Reserve. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Etuge M. | 150 | Forest at Bakolle Bakossi, on Kumba - Mamfe road. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Hoshino | 41 | Mvini 7km de Est de Nkoelon. Reserve de Campo. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 5396 | 10 km W of Masok, near Ekem River. About 50 years old secondary forest with dominant Pycnanthus angolensis which is cut for timber and scattered high oil-palmtrees. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Leeuwenberg A.J.M. | 5557 | 60 km S of Edéa, S of Mboké, 11 km E of km 58 of road Edéa-Kribi. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Letouzey R. | 9077 | A 15 Km au SSE de Zingui (soit à 50 Km au SE de Kribi). |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Letouzey R. | 13675 | Entre Babong et Okurikang, 35km WSW (Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe). |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Mpom B. | 89 | A 17 km route Mbalmayo - Yaoundé. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Satabié B. | 529 | Près de la rivière Bongola: 75km SSE de Kribi. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Thomas D.W. | 3341 | Forest in north-eastern corner of Korup National Park; near Baro village. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Thomas D.W. | 4703 | In the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2,5 km on transect P. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Thomas D.W. | 5665 | Secondary forest at Nganjo, west bank of Meme river on Kumba Mbonge road. |
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf | Thomas D.W. | 8061 | Collection made along the foothpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang. |
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