Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Cheek M. 8144 Ekundu Kundu, transect 10, 8km from origin (pot 6).
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Etuge M. 79 Secondary forest near Etam village, between Kumba and Tombel, in the Bakossi Forest Reserve.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Etuge M. 150 Forest at Bakolle Bakossi, on Kumba - Mamfe road.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Hoshino 41 Mvini 7km de Est de Nkoelon. Reserve de Campo.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5396 10 km W of Masok, near Ekem River. About 50 years old secondary forest with dominant Pycnanthus angolensis which is cut for timber and scattered high oil-palmtrees.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5557 60 km S of Edéa, S of Mboké, 11 km E of km 58 of road Edéa-Kribi.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Letouzey R. 9077 A 15 Km au SSE de Zingui (soit à 50 Km au SE de Kribi).
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Letouzey R. 13675 Entre Babong et Okurikang, 35km WSW (Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe).
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Mpom B. 89 A 17 km route Mbalmayo - Yaoundé.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Satabié B. 529 Près de la rivière Bongola: 75km SSE de Kribi.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Thomas D.W. 3341 Forest in north-eastern corner of Korup National Park; near Baro village.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Thomas D.W. 4703 In the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2,5 km on transect P.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Thomas D.W. 5665 Secondary forest at Nganjo, west bank of Meme river on Kumba Mbonge road.
Hypodaphnis zenkeri (Engl.) Stapf Thomas D.W. 8061 Collection made along the foothpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang.

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