Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Geranium sp. Buzgo M. 749 Boyo division, Belo, village Aboh.
Geranium sp. Etuge M. 3505 Aboh village; Boyo Division. Gikwang main road towards Nyassoso forest.
Geranium sp. Ghogue J.-P. 69 Forest at the right path Kodmin-Muawhojon, going to Loow mountain.
Geranium sp. Gosline G.W. 109 Kodmin. Stream from Kodmin water supply.
Geranium sp. Munyenyembe 748 Mount Oku.
Geranium sp. Satabié B. 1061 Mont Oku
Geranium sp. Thomas D.W. 3142 Around the crater of Manengouba.
Geranium sp. van der Zon A.P.M. 2098 Chutes de Tello, 45 km E de Ngaoundéré

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