Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Faden R.B. 86 58 3km E of Ipono along the road to Nko'elon.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Faden R.B. 86 51 Kribi - Lolodorf road, 3,5 km along the road to Edéa that branches off to the N at km 18 ( just past Bissiang ); 200m on a track that branches off the Bissiang - Edéa road.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Hall J. 92 93 North of old logging road between Lobeke swamp. Savanna and Sangha river. Stream in Gilbertiodendron stand.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Hall J. 98 93 13 km West of Molongodi. Edge of gap in semideciduous forest.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Kahn B. 93 30 Port of Ekounou along Sangha River.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Karl A. K. Stromayer 87 3 Town of Dibombari.
Amischotolype tenuis (C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao Karl A. K. Stromayer 89 12 Mundemba, ca. 2,5 km NE of Palmoil field 69A near the confluence of the Mana and Moriba Rivers.

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