Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dorstenia sp. Satabié B. 934 Environs de Bakut: 40 Km SW Mamfe.
Dorstenia sp. Satabié B. 1047 Ekondo Kundo, Parc National de Korup, 20 k nord de Mundemba.
Dorstenia sp. Satabié B. 1100 Vallée de Ndip Hill, aux environs du village Kodmin. 30 Km au nord de Tombel.
Dorstenia sp. Satabié B. 1104 Vallée de Ndip Hill, aux environs du village Kodmin. 30 Km au nord de Tombel.
Dorstenia sp. Sonké B. 1267 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja.
Dorstenia sp. Tamaki 64 Ejagam council Forest Reserve in the South West Province.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 2112 Kala mountain, 20 Km W of Yaounde on the Douala road.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 2172 Barombi Camp, 5 km S of Kumba on Buea/Douala road.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 2288 South Korup Reserve. Rocky river banks of Mana river & oil palms.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 4288 Forest along bank of the Ndian River, by PAMOL, field 69.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 5308 Bakossi mountains, west Bangem.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 6907 Korup National Park
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 6990 Barombi Kang Kumba.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 7552 Korup National park. Between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6 Km. W of Ikenge.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 7690 Korup National Park, near Baro village.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 7892 Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 7916 Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 7964 Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Dorstenia sp. Thomas D.W. 8114 Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.
Dorstenia sp. Villiers J.-F. 1417 Massif Ntali; pente NW, 30 Km SE Mamfé.

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